
Monday, April 13, 2009

People over the World

I think a lot about people. I feel that people are the most dynamic variables in the equation of my day-to-day life. I have a lot of opinions and theories about people. However, this topic still never fails to surprise me. Every day I learn something new about someone. In my world, I have created certain kinds of people. This classification however, is not objective enough to be based on their caste, religion, creed or nationality. It is based on how they react to situations in life.
Everyone is distinct. There are people who think so creatively that sometimes I just can’t decipher how their brain could come up with such ingenious ideas. There are people like my mother, who manage to love their children no matter what they do. Their commitment surprises me. Also, there are some who fight adverse circumstances so bravely and with a smile that their presence in this world leaves me feeling stronger.
To understand this diversity and uniqueness, I created a classification for people –
1. The people who don’t care about anyone – These are the people who will do only what they want to do. Re-belling is their favorite pass time. Staying away from people is their natural protection against the complexities of human interaction. They are inconsistent in their relationships. They love to spend their time with themselves.
2. The ones who firmly believe that they are not good enough – These are the people who are always bent on proving that they are good for nothing. Even if they could land on the moon, it may not be enough for them! They are extremely difficult to please and the easiest ones to blame.
3. The people who need attention and have a constant need to fit in – These are the ones who need to be-long. They need to surround themselves with friends at all times. They talk loudly, they laugh out loud and they spend hours in front of the mirror. They usually possess excellent interpersonal skills. They have a need to be extra sweet all the time. These people can do well in jobs involving client interactions.
4. The ones who are always trying to prove themselves – These are the hard workers who need to get things done. Sitting idle is such a waste of time! These people are usually successful in life, but then there is always the next big thing to be achieved of course. These people can be really painful managers and very promising employees.
5. The people who have a major superiority complex – “Oh my god! He is so dumb!” These are the people who firmly believe that their point of view is supreme. People around them exist to make them happy. They are usu-ally very assertive and possess a strong opinion about everything.
This is my effort to classify the people in my world. I know that it may not be perfect and applicable to all. But then there is one advantage while developing your own theories. You can always change them! Most of the times these traits are apparent in the people I meet. Some people could also be compounds showing a combination of two or more of these traits in varying proportions.
In spite of these similarities, everyone is unique and that’s what makes it all the more interesting. People are special. They are the fighters. They are the ones who survive in this world while learning, adapting, pretending, enjoying, fighting, trying, car-ing, hating, loving and living continuously. Its amazing how they manage to do all that and yet some more.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

On Wings of Eagles

Read the book "On Wings of Eagles" by Ken Follett recently. It is an incredible real life adventure story, the story a group of highly successful executives of EDS corporation who went beyond the obvious, to save the lives of their collegues. It left me really touched. It showed me another side of Americans - a brave side, a side where each and every life is valued and treasured. It relates the values that a huge and great company should stand for. It relates how Ross Perot, the inspiring leader stands for his employees. A true leader is not the one who has a great vision and who can get the work done, but the one who also lives the lives of his employees - who relates to employees as his own. Ross believes that he is lucky, and will always be - If before doing a task, I sit and think about all the things that could go wrong, I would never complete my task. The book is gripping, full of thrills and entirely true! Loved this one!